If you’re just starting out as a new Pre-K teacher, here are some practical ideas, printables, lessons for beginning the school year in Pre-K or Preschool. Even seasoned teachers will find something here! I hope this guide helps you survive the start of a new school year with Pre-K kids!
- You’ll need to get your classroom ready for the new year. Here are some steps to do that: Get Your Classroom Ready for a New Pre-K Year
- As you set up your Pre-K classroom, you will need to define areas of the room and set up Centers. Have you wondered, what is Center Time? Learn what Centers to include in a Pre-K classroom and see photos of how Centers are set up here. Don’t forget your Center Signs to post around the room: Here are some printable Center Signs. Learn how to make your Art easel easier to clean.
- Another important thing you will need as you set up the room is a dismissal chart, so you’ll know how children leave school. Here a printable Dismissal Chart you can post in your classroom.
- Choosing the right books for Pre-K children at the beginning of the year can make or break your first week. You want to keep their attention by choosing books that aren’t too long and are suitable for their age. Here are some perfect Books for the Beginning of School in Pre-K.
- You don’t want to miss The 5 Mistakes Pre-K Teachers Make the First Week of School!
- This resource page will give you Tips for the First Days of Pre-K.
- Before parents come for Open House or Orientation, be sure to set up a Classroom Wish List.
- To communicate with parents about their child’s first day, print these First Day of School Awards.
- These activities and lessons will help children adjust and learn about how to play and work at Pre-K. Also be sure to play this getting-to-know-you game with the children: Friend Bingo, to help them learn their classmates’ names. Try this Favorite Color Graph the first week.
- You’ll find useful printables on the Classroom Management Printables page.
- Don’t miss these Teaching Tips! Learn more about Small Group here and see a sample Pre-K schedule here.
- Should you do Calendar Time in Pre-K? And how do you do Calendar Time in Pre-K?
- Create a Sub Folder in case you have to be out.
- Don’t know what Themes to teach or when? Check out my Theme Sequence here.
I hope this helps!