Bring colorful fun into your preschool math lessons with this engaging rainbow measurement activity!
With some rainbow striped ribbon and a sheet of white craft foam, you can create rainbow clouds to use as a hands-on measuring tool for your little learners.
This rainbow measurement activity will go great with a Weather Theme or St. Patrick’s Day Activities.

Rainbow Measurement Activity
To prepare the materials for the measurement activity, measure and cut the ribbon in different lengths, such as 1 inch, 2 inches, 3 inches, and so on, up to 10 inches (or more if you choose).
Cut off pieces of the white craft foam and cut them into cloud shapes. You can free hand these clouds when cutting, because they don’t have to be exact.

You can buy rainbow ribbon from Amazon (affiliate).

Attach the rainbow ribbons to the clouds with hot glue or any glue that is durable. (Before you glue them, check out the alternate way to use these below, in case you’d rather use these with the number clouds.)

When these are ready, have children measure the rainbow ribbons with linking cubes or any other math manipulative you choose.

Measure and Match the Rainbows to the Clouds
Alternatively, here’s a different way to use the ribbons and clouds. Instead of gluing the ribbons to the clouds, you can leave them separate. Write numbers on each cloud using a permanent marker.
For this rainbow measurement activity, have children measure the rainbow ribbons, count how many cubes long it is, and match it to the number cloud.

Arrange in Order by Size
You can also use these same rainbows for putting them in order by size. You might want to give children just 3 sizes, or 5 sizes, or more depending on their skill level.

More Ways to use Ribbons as a Learning Material
Ribbons are an inexpensive way to make learning fun and interesting! You will enjoy these other ways to use ribbons as a learning material.
- Try this other Measuring Ribbons activity for more math
- Try this Weaving activity for fine motor and art fun