Halloween Treat Bag Topper

Here’s a printable Halloween treat bag topper for candy corn that teachers can give to students. Okay, so I know this is very last-minute. If you do this stuff at the last minute, you’re in good company, because that’s how I roll apparently. I don’t know why.

Halloween Treat Bag Topper

So, if this is too late for you this year, I apologize, but maybe you can use it next Halloween. Some of you probably have some candy corn sitting around anyway, and this is something you could “throw” together pretty quickly.

The topper says: “Happy Halloween! From your teachers. Ingredients: Rotten Pumpkin Teeth!”

Put candy corn in snack size zip lock bags (these are the “rotten pumpkin teeth”). Download the bag topper, print it, cut it out, fold, and staple to the bag. I made one that says “From your teachers” and one that says “From your teacher”, since some classrooms have one teacher and some have 2 or more.

Click the buttons below to download.

Download: “From Your Teachers” Topper

Download: “From Your Teacher” Topper

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