Now that it’s Winter, these Snowflake Pattern Block Mats will be a fun addition to your math center.

A reader asked me to make some of these and sent me some photos of snowflake designs she had made with pattern blocks. I took her designs and made them into printable pattern block mats. Since they were complex snowflakes, I also wanted to add some easier snowflake mats for the younger kids. I also added in the snowflake mat from the Christmas Pattern Block set.
Pattern Block Math Craftivity
You could use these mats to make designs with regular pattern blocks. You could also use them to make paper snowflakes to make a math craftivity. To do this, photocopy the blackline mats onto light blue paper. Copy a paper pattern block template onto white paper and cut out the pieces. Have children glue the white shapes onto the shapes on the blue paper, and you have math snowflakes!
Need Snowman pattern block mats? I have them on the Christmas Pattern Block Mats page.
If you like these, you’ll also want to check out my other Pattern Block Mats.
Download the Snowflake Pattern Block Mats
Click the images below to download & print each pattern block mat:
To download the mats, just click on each picture to get the PDF file, and then print. I have printing help here.
What are Pattern Blocks?
Many people ask me what are pattern blocks? These are a common learning material in classrooms, and are sold in educational supply catalogs. They are small blocks that are placed flat on the table to make a geometric design. They are not meant to be stacked. They are not tangrams. They come in a standard size and standard colors. To read more about them and where to buy them, visit my pattern blocks page.