Practice Math and Fine Motor Skills in a fun way with these Pond Play Dough Counting Mats!
You can find many more Play Dough Mats here.

Make learning fun with these easy-to-use play dough mats! Simply print them out, slide them into a page protector or laminate for durability. Have your little learners use green play dough to mold into little turtle shapes. To keep it simple, you can have children form little circle turtle shells, and just pretend that the turtles have their legs and head inside their shell.
These mats are a perfect counting activity to use during your Pond thematic unit!

The mat above says “Put 1 turtle in the pond.” Children will identify the numeral ___, and count out ___ play dough turtles to place in the pond. The mats include numbers 1-10. There’s also a mat without numbers for the littlest learners who aren’t counting yet. You could also use the mat without numbers along with number cards to count 11-20.
Alternatives to Play Dough: If you’d prefer, you can also use these “flat marbles” as we call them in class. These are glass floral marbles from the dollar store or craft store. Other ideas could be turtle mini erasers, craft foam turtle shapes, turtle sequins, or turtle math counters.

Click below to download the Pond Play Dough Counting Mats
Note: This printable is FREE. Just click to download.
Download: Pond Play Dough Mats
Play dough is not only a fun activity for preschoolers, but it also offers a wide range of benefits for their development. It helps in strengthening children’s fine motor skills, which are important for grasping a pencil and writing. Pinching and molding the play dough with their fingers enhances their hand-eye coordination and dexterity.