Making Slime Experiment

This science experiment is fun to do around Halloween!

Making Slime

Materials Needed:
Liquid starch
White school glue
Food color
Paper cups
Disposable bowls
Ziplock sandwich bags
Wet wipes

Set Up:
Pour liquid starch into a paper cup for each child. Pour twice the amount of liquid glue into another cup for each child. You should have one part liquid starch to two parts white glue. The more exact the amounts, the better the results.

Have children pour their cups of liquid starch and glue into their bowl. Add a drop of food color (I used neon green), and have them stir it with the spoon. It also helps to knead it with their hands. Mix until it becomes a workable ball. For children who are squeamish about touching it, have wet wipes within reach and reassure them that they can wipe their hands whenever they want. You may have to add a little extra glue or liquid starch to give it just the right texture. If a child has too much starch, you can also blot it dry with a paper towel. Children can take it home in a ziplock sandwich bag.

Not recommended for children who are likely to eat it.

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