Here are some ideas and printable cards for transitioning your class to line up.
I typically line kids up by calling girls first then boys, or vice versa, just to avoid a stampede. A few times, I’ve had a volunteer parent or newbie substitute … or one time a middle school teacher… call my class to “line up!” All I could do at that point was get out of the way. Not that I’m making fun, but when it happens, that’s my entertainment for the day. So, for all of you teachers out there who just found out you will be teaching Pre-K for the first time this coming year… HINT: never call “line up!” to a group of preschoolers. Unless you like watching train wrecks and wrestling matches.
For some reason, my group last year had issues with lining up. I’d call the girls and then some would hang back and fight over who is the last person in line. Or sometimes everyone just wants to stand behind the cute girl rocking the Georgia Bulldogs tutu skirt and pink cowgirl boots. I know many of you have a caboose and that’s one solution, but I don’t do a lot of different jobs because no one ever remembers who’s job is what. So, I had to get creative.
I decided to come up with a list of different ways to line up. We lined up by eye color, hair color, the vowels in their names, type of shoes or clothes they were wearing, and others. I would surprise them with the way we were lining up, so they would focus on that rather than where they stand in line.
Here is a set of printable cards that have a variety of ways to line up. There are 30 different cards. Print these, cut apart, and keep in a container by your classroom door. When you line up, just randomly draw one.
Note: This little basket pictured is the perfect size for these cards. It came from Hobby Lobby for $1.50 when baskets were half price.
Depending on your student population, you may need to toss a card or two, but there will still be plenty to use. If your prekinders wear uniforms, you won’t need the clothing one. If any card is a cause of jealousy for kids in your group, toss it (the family vehicle card might be a problem for some groups of kids, but not for others).
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