These find the letters in your name activities have preschool children identifying the letters of their names among other letters.
Not just spelling their name and putting the letters in order, but also having them determine which letters are in their name and which are not.
These activities include hands-on ways to find the letters as well as printable sheets for letter searching!

Letter Tile Name Search
Put letter tiles of the child’s name in a cup and add more letters that are not in their name. Have them dump out the cup of letters and search for the letters in their name. This is similar to the letter tile activity in the name spelling post, but in that one they have only the letters that spell their name. With this activity, they have lots of letters and have to search and find the ones that belong in their name.

Find and Sort Letters in Your Name / Not in Your Name
Use the printable name sorting sheet on this page and have children sort letter manipulatives by letters in their name and letters not in their name.

Use the same sheet for sorting sticker letters. Write the letters of the child’s name on a sheet of dot stickers, then fill in the rest of the stickers with letters that are not in their name. (Tip: These dot stickers can be found inexpensively at Dollar General.)

Search the Room for Letters in Your Name
Use the same printable name sorting sheet on this page and have children walk around the room searching for letters in their name. Whenever they find a letter in the classroom, the should write it on their paper, either in the top or bottom section.

Magazine or Newspaper Name Letter Search
Pop-Its Letter Search
Use a pop it fidget programmed with all the alphabet letters. Have children search and push in the letters of their name. This owl alphabet pop-it is from Amazon.

Paper Letter Tiles Search
Scatter paper letter tiles on the table, making sure that the letters of each child’s name are available on the table, along with letters that are not in their name. Have children search through the paper letter tiles and glue the letters of their name on paper. You can print paper letters tiles here.

Printable Letter Name Search
Print out the letter name search pages and have children find and mark the letters in their name. Use the apple sheet if you only want to use the uppercase letters of their name. The crayon sheet has all uppercase and lowercase, so you can use that one if you want the children to find the first letter in uppercase and the other letters in lowercase.
You can have children use bingo markers, highlighters, or manipulatives to mark the letters.
Download: Letter Name Search Pages