Pre-K & Preschool theme ideas for learning about Easter.

Find more Easter Activities for Pre-K
- The Easter Bunny’s Assistant, by Jan Thomas
- Max’s Chocolate Chicken, by Rosemary Wells
- The Easter Egg, by Jan Brett
- How to Catch the Easter Bunny, by Adam Wallace
Find Preschool Christian Easter Activities here.
Easter Large Group Games
Rabbit Hopping
Rabbits hop in a zig zag when they are trying to get away from their prey. For this movement activity, use masking tape to make a zig zag on the floor. Have children hop in a zig zag pattern from one point on the zig zag lines to the next point.

Easter Fine Motor Skills Activities
Play Dough Eggs
I add plastic Easter eggs of different sizes to the play dough area. The kids enjoy filling the eggs with play dough or making play dough baskets for the eggs.

Easter Art Activities
Egg Decorating
Papier mache eggs can be purchased from a craft store (such as Hobby Lobby) for children to paint. I like this kind of egg decorating because these eggs are less fragile than real eggs and can be saved by the children’s parents. School quality tempera paints usually come in bright colors, but you can give the children some white tempera to mix with the colors to make pastels. The children always enjoy mixing paints.
Easter Literacy Activities
Easter Bingo Stamping Game
Use this bingo stamping game to practice letter or numeral recognition. Print out the bingo page, write the letters or numbers you want your students to practice, and make copies. Get the printable here: Easter Bingo Game here.

Easter Roll and Write Game
Children love this game to practice writing skills! Read about and print the Easter Roll and Write Game here.

Easter Letter Sound Cards with Games
This set of Easter Letter Sound Cards comes with letter cards in uppercase and lowercase and picture cards for beginning letter sounds. These cards can be used for matching and the set also comes with directions for 13 games to play. Purchase the Easter Letter A-Z Games here.

Bunny Alphabet Spinner Games
Spin the bunny spinner and find the letter on your mat to stamp with a bingo dot marker! If you land on a letter, say the letter or letter sound, and if you land on a chick, say “Cheep! Cheep!” These spinner games can be used to practice letters in uppercase and lowercase. This set also includes numbers and shapes. Purchase the Bunny Spinner Games here.

Story Retelling
This is an activity that goes with any theme. Choose a book that goes with the theme, and have the children retell the story.
Read the blog post here for details: story retelling
Easter Math Activities
Easter Grid Game
This printable game is used to practice counting and one-to-one correspondence. Read about and print here: Easter Grid Game here.

Easter Roll and Cover Game
This roll and cover game can be used to practice counting and numeral recognition. Read about and print it here: Roll and Cover Games

Easter Geoboard Cards
Children will practice shapes and fine motor skills by creating the Easter designs on the geoboards. Purchase these Easter geoboard cards here.

Easter Ten Frame Game
Children practice counting with this ten frame game. They will count the eggs in the picture and place the same number of manipulatives in the ten frame. Purchase the Easter Ten Frame Game here.

More Easter Activities
Dramatic Play Eggs
I put a basket of plastic eggs in our Housekeeping Center and the children enjoy hiding the eggs and finding them. I have noticed they use them in a variety of ways, putting them in pots for cooking or using one-to-one correspondence to put an egg in each section of a muffin tin.

Egg Hunt Ideas
We have a traditional Egg Hunt, but we also do other fun skill-based egg hunts! Check out Egg Hunt Ideas for many ways to practice math, literacy, visual discrimination, and other skills in a fun way! Children love to have egg hunts over and over again during this season.
For our traditional Egg Hunt, I send a note home to parents asking them to send in plastic Easter eggs filled with goodies. In the note, parents are given examples, such as stickers, erasers, candy, plastic rings, plastic animals, or other small toys. No one is obligated to bring anything in, so we use whatever amount of eggs we receive. It helps a lot to ask the parents to bring the eggs already filled and they can do it as a family project at home.
Here’s the simplest way to have an egg hunt and make sure that all children get an equal amount. I make sure in advance that we have enough eggs for every child to have 12. Children collect their eggs in an empty, sterilized egg carton. I tell the children that when their egg carton is full, they are done, and I have them sit down on the grass and look at their surprises.
Another way we’ve done the egg hunt is to label each child’s eggs with a letter of the alphabet, write the letter on a bag for each child, and have the children hunt for only eggs with their own letter.

Find more Easter Activities for Pre-K on the category page.
In My Shop

- Spring Animals @
- Easter Bunny Art @ Teaching 2 and 3 Year Olds
- Easter Egg Printables @ Living Montessori Now