These Zacchaeus Bible story activities can be used in Christian Preschool programs and Sunday schools.

Zacchaeus Sequencing
Print these story sequencing cards for children to sequence the story after you read it to them. Get the printable on this page: Bible Story Sequencing

Zacchaeus Mini Book
Print this Bible story print & fold mini book and others on this page: Bible Story Mini Books

Zacchaeus Play Dough Mats
Print these Zacchaeus Bible Story Play Dough Mats to give children a fun way to review the story and exercise their fine motor muscles.
Download: Zacchaeus Play Dough Mats

Zacchaeus “Draw It” Sheet
Print this activity for children to draw things for the story. This sheet uses some of the same pictures and directions as the play dough mats, but I included this one for those teachers who may need a quicker activity (it also uses less ink).

Zacchaeus Story True/False Cards
Print these Zacchaeus Story True/False Cards to check children’s comprehension of the story. There are 4 “true” cards — these cards have true facts with pictures from the story of Zacchaeus, such as “Jesus saw Zacchaeus in the tree and said, ‘I’m going to your house today.’” There are 4 “false” cards — these cards have things that aren’t true about the story, such as “Zacchaeus climbed a ladder to get a better view of Jesus”.
Download: Zacchaeus True/False

Zacchaeus Story Bible Verse Printables
Print these Zacchaeus story Bible verse sheets for kids.
Download: Zacchaeus Bible Verse

Zacchaeus Story Recall Set
Print and cut these story recall cards to have children recall who and what was in the Bible story. Check their understanding and comprehension of the story. There are 9 cards that represent the story, such as Zacchaeus, Jesus, crowd, money, tree, etc. There are 9 cards for things that were not in the story, such as palace, tent, lion, storm, etc.
Download: Zacchaeus Story Recall

Story Sheet
Have children look at the pictures and only mark things that are in the story. Children can stamp the pictures with bingo dot markers, or circle them with a marker.

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