Turkey Play Dough Math Mats

These Turkey Play Dough Math Mats are a fun way to practice counting this Thanksgiving! Kids can make turkey feathers with play dough to place on the turkey while they count.

Thanksgiving Play Dough Mats

Some of my readers recently emailed me asking for Turkey Play Dough Mats, and someone specifically asked for a mat where kids would count out the turkey feathers. I didn’t know if I’d be able to find a featherless turkey clipart, but low and behold, I found one! There’s always an artist somewhere who knows exactly what teachers want.

The top of each mat says, “Give the turkey [#] feathers.” Children will count out the correct number of feathers to add to the turkey on each page. They can make the feathers with play dough, or you could use other materials, such as small feathers from a craft store, or feathers cut from construction paper or craft foam.

Turkey Play Dough Mats Feathers

To prepare the mats, print them and either laminate them or slip them into clear page protectors. I usually put them in page protectors and hook them together with metal binder rings to make them like a flip book.

There’s also a toddler mat for children who are not ready for counting yet, but need the fine motor practice. This mat simply says, “Give the turkey some feathers.”

Turkey Play Dough Mats for Thanksgiving

One way to use the toddler mat for older children would be to have children place the feathers on the turkey in a color pattern.

Find more  play dough math mats here, and find all of my Thanksgiving activities here.

Download the Turkey Play Dough Mats

Note: This printable is FREE. Just click to download.

Download the Turkey Counting Mats:


Download the Turkey Toddler Mat:



Available in My Shop:

TPT Turkey Ten Frame

Graphics by Dancing Crayon and Pink Cat Studio

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