This Turkey Letter Sound Match game will help your pre-k learners practice matching letters and matching letters to beginning sounds.

This printable game has a set of uppercase letter cards, lowercase letter cards, and letter sound picture cards.
To prepare the activity, print the cards on cardstock, laminate if you choose, and cut the cards apart.
There are multiple ways to use the cards for learning activities:
- Have children match uppercase to uppercase letters.
- Have children match lowercase to lowercase letters.
- Have children match uppercase to lowercase letters.
- Have children match the beginning sound pictures to letters.
- Match magnetic letters or letter tiles to the cards.
- Use the cards in a pocket chart for children to match.
- Use the cards to make a file folder game.

Using the Turkey Letter Cards at Centers
To use the Turkey Letters at Center Time, I recommend placing about 5-10 cards at a time with their match. This way, children won’t be overwhelmed with a whole set of 26 letters.
Using the Turkey Letter Cards at Small Group
To use the cards at Small Group, divide the 26 cards (with their matches) among the children in your group so that each child has about 5-6 cards at a time with the matching cards. You could place the cards in a ziplock. Have the children in your group match the card sets, then trade ziplock bags and try the next set. Placing the cards in smaller sets will help children be less overwhelmed than if you gave each child 26 card pairs at a time.

Download the Turkey Letter Cards
Download: Turkey Letter SoundsNote: This is a free printable, just click to download.
Find more Thanksgiving Activities here.
Post originally published October 2008.
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