The Animals of “The Umbrella”

This slideshow will introduce children to the animals in the story, The Umbrella, by Jan Brett, and includes real photos of the animals that are illustrated in the book. Each page also gives the Spanish words each animal said in the book.

Animals of the Umbrella, Jan Brett

There are also two more slideshows below that introduce the rainforest theme: “Rainforest Animals” and “Poison Dart Frogs”.

You can download the PDF of this slideshow to view on a computer, projector, or print it to make a book for your classroom.

Download “The Animals of The Umbrella”

Download: The Animals of the Umbrella

Download “Rainforest Animals”

Download: Rainforest Animals

Download “Poison Dart Frogs”

Download: Poison Dart Frogs


Rainforest Slideshows and Printable Books

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