Here’s a printable bag topper for kids’ seed sprouting projects. Sprouting a lima bean (or any seed) in a zip top bag is a simple science project for kids. This seed sprouting activity will go great during your Plants & Seeds Theme.

Having already made several treat bag toppers for different holidays, one day I thought about making a bag topper for sprouting a seed in a zip top bag.
For this activity, you will need:
- sandwich size zip top bags
- lima beans (or other seeds of your choice)
- either paper towels or cotton balls
- water
- cups or bowls
- printable bag topper
- tape or stapler
- water dropper (optional)
Here’s what to do:
Give each child in your group a zip top bag (sandwich size) and a lima bean. You can use either paper towels or cotton balls to place in the bag. If you use a paper towel, have kids fold it, dip it in a cup or bowl of water and squeeze it out a little so it won’t be too wet. Or, have them dip a few cotton balls in the water.

Place the damp, folded paper towel or cotton balls in the ziplock bag. Drop a lima bean or other seed in the bag, making sure it touches the damp towel or cotton. Cut out and fold the bag topper, write the child’s name and date, and either staple or tape the topper to the bag.
Hang these in the window for a few days and watch the seed sprout!
What might go wrong & what to do:
Because the bag is moist and sealed up, the seed can mold. It might help to leave part of the bag’s top open.
Our seeds were very slow to begin sprouting. In the photo above, you can see that it’s just beginning to sprout after about a week. To give them a head start, you can soak the beans or seeds the night before your project.
It’s a good idea to make a few extra bags (or have the kids make a few extra) just in case someone’s seed doesn’t sprout.
Download the Sprout Bag Topper
Download: Printable Bag Topper (Color)
Download: Printable Bag Topper (Blackline)
Note: This is a free printable, just click to download.