Numeral Identification Activities

These activities will help your Pre-K and Preschool kids practice numeral identification.

Numeral Identification Activities

Glitter Numbers

Children trace over the number with their finger and then with glitter glue. We recite Jack Hartmann’s number writing rhymes (“Math in Motion” CD). Another source for rhymes:

glitter numbers

Sand Boxes

Children practice writing numerals in the sand with their finger. The sand box is just a wooden box (originally a game came in it) with about a 3-inch rim around it, with enough colored art sand to cover the bottom. I’ve seen many teachers use salt trays, but since children often have cuts on their fingers, salt burns. This is why I prefer to use sand, and the children like the colors, which I change out every so often. I have also used a plastic shoe box size tub for a sand tray (just make sure the bottom is completely flat).

sand tray number writing

Stamping Game

Children roll a numeral game die, find the numeral on their paper, and stamp it out. They continue until they have stamped every numeral.

number stamp game

Number Punching

I wrote a number on a half sheet of construction paper with a Sharpie. Children sit on the floor, placing their paper on the carpet, and poke holes through the paper along the lines using a toothpick. When they are done, they can hold the paper up to the light and see tiny “stars” in the shape of their number.

number punch

Yarn Numbers

Children trace the numeral with glue, then lay a piece of yarn in the glue to form the number.

yarn numbers

Number Bingo

Children listen as numbers are called out. If that number is on their bingo card, they cover it with a chip or math counter. When a child’s bingo card is full, they call out “Bingo!” We always play until everyone fills their card.

number bingo

Find more Number & Counting Activities here.

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