Letter Sounds Listening Game #4

Here are more of the Letter Sounds Listening Games. This set of Letter Sounds Listening Games is P-T. You can find games for the other letters in previous posts (see links at bottom of this post).

Letter Sounds Listening P-T

To prepare this game, first print out the word cards on card stock (laminate if you choose). The third page could be copied onto regular copy paper for each child if you choose to send it home. Or, if you want to make reusable mats, copy it on card stock and laminate to use with dry erase markers or crayons. This is an activity for a small group, where the teacher is working with the children, reading the word cards to them.

To play this game, give each child a letter mat, with either a bingo dot marker or a rubber stamp and ink pad. Shuffle all of the word cards. Go through the stack of cards, calling out each word. Children listen for the beginning sound of each word. If the word begins with the letter, they stamp over one of the letters on their mat. If the word does not begin with the letter, they do not mark anything on their mat. When all of the word cards have been read, everyone should have stamped all of the letters on the mat. (This is similar to a bingo game.)

Click these thumbnail images to download the printables.

Letter P Game
Letter Q Game
Letter R Game
Letter S Game
Letter T Game

Here are links to all of the sets:

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