Pre-K & Preschool theme ideas for learning about families

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Check here for a list of Books about Homes!

Check here for a list of Books about Families!
Family Large Motor Games
Movement Activity
After reading the book, Jonathan and His Mommy, go through the book once more, and have the children walk in the same ways that Jonathan does.
Laundry Basket Toss
Have children throw some soft laundry (use rolled up socks) into a laundry basket. Create a line with masking tape where children should stand. You can move the basket closer or farther away, depending on your students’ abilities.
Move Around the House
Call out different movements of family members or household movements and have the children act them out. For example:
- Move like you’re vacuuming the floor.
- Crawl like a baby.
- Stretch like you’re waking up in the morning.
- Pretend to stir something in a big pot.
- Pretend to drive the car, taking the family somewhere fun.
- Lift a heavy bag of groceries onto the counter.
- Pretend to rock a baby to sleep in your arms.
- Pretend to dust the high shelves and low shelves.
Family Fine Motor Activities
Bear Family Play Dough Cutters
Add bear family cookie cutters (made by Wilton) to the play dough area. Children use these to cut out the different sizes of bears to make the bear family.

Play Dough Family
Children can make people with the play dough. Encourage them to make a family. Add Barbie shoes to the area for the children to add to the feet of their family. Be sure to include shoes for women, men, and children.

Family Art Activities
Baby Blanket (or Family Quilt)
Children glue small squares of fabric to a piece of felt to make a “baby blanket”. Children use it with the classroom baby dolls to role play taking care of a baby. Or, if you prefer, you can call it a family quilt.

People Puppets
Children use multicultural paint to paint a small paper plate, add yarn hair to match the color of their own hair, add wiggle eyes, and draw a nose and mouth. These are taped to a craft stick to make a puppet.

Paper Bag Puppets
Children make a puppet of one of their family members using a paper bag.

Family Literacy Activities
Family Charts for Circle Time
These two charts can be made during Circle Time. This chart is “What’s in my house?” The children named things in their own homes.

This chart is “Families can…” and the children came up with anything that families can do together.

Family Themed Journals
Children create journal pages about families: “Draw things that are in your house”, “What do you and your family like to do together?”, and “What do you do at home to help your family?”. Get these printable journal pages in the Pre-K Writing Journals Bundle.

Animal Families Class Book
After we read the book, Does a Kangaroo Have a Mother, Too?, by Eric Carle, we made a our own class book. Each page of our book says, “A ____ has a mother, too. Just like me and you.” Children cut a picture of an animal from a magazine and glued it on the page. I found great animal pictures in Your Big Backyard magazine. To make our class books, I use “presentation book covers” from an office supply store or Walmart. It has a sturdy plastic cover with a clear insert, and the pages are also clear inserts. I just slip in a page for the front cover, and slip in the children’s pages inside. These can be reused.
Download: Does a Kangaroo Class Book Printable

Story Retelling
This is an activity that goes with any theme. Choose a book that goes with the theme, and have the children retell the story.
Read the blog post here for details: story retelling
Family Math Activities
People Object Graph
We use the floor graph and people figures from the block center. We graph how many boys and girls are in the class, each child placing a people figure on the graph to represent themselves. We count and compare most/least/same. We make other graphs: Do you have sisters? Do you have brothers?

Family Theme Graphs
We make graphs on chart paper as well. We make a graph of “Do you have a sister?” one day and “Do you have a brother?” the next day. Since this theme is early in the year and many children aren’t yet writing their names, I write their names on a sticker label. Then the children stick their name on the yes or no side. These printable graphs are available in my Question of the Day Bundle.

Baby Grid Game
Read about about print here: Grid Games

Classifying Boys/Girls
Children classify photos of classmates and glue them on paper divided into two sections: “boys” and “girls”. To read more about this, see the blog post here: Classification with Photos. An alternate activity would be to classify the pictures as “children” and “parents”. I have done both.

Family Social Skills Activities
Family Portrait
Children draw a picture their family members.

Family Photos
Children bring family photos to school to share with the class. I add these photos to the children’s portfolio notebooks.

More Family Theme Activities
Baby Care Prop Box
How to create a Baby Care Prop Box for dramatic play: Baby dolls, Doll clothes, Reusable diapers, Bottles, Baby blankets, High chair, Doll crib, Empty baby food jars, Baby spoons, Rattles, Small stuffed toys, Empty wet wipe containers, Bibs

Block Center
Add people figures that represent different races and ages to the block center.

Find more Family Theme Activities for Pre-K
These nursery rhymes that go well with a Families Theme: There Was an Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe & Every Mouse and Bumblebee.

Get a FREE printable poster of this rhyme on the Nursery Rhymes Page.
Families & Homes Theme Pack
This Families & Homes Theme pack contains 17 printable activities will help your students learn important math and literacy skills! Small Group or Centers * Hands-On * Includes 123 pages

Find Songs about Families here!
