This little envelope church is an activity you can use at any time of year, with many topics you are studying in a preschool Christian program.

To make the envelope church, we used a piece of light blue construction paper, business size envelope, and jumbo craft sticks (tongue depressor size). To save costs, many businesses might be able to provide the envelopes, and doctor’s offices might provide the tongue depressors.
To make the craft, have children glue an envelope, with the flap open, onto a piece of light blue construction paper. This makes the church. Have children draw a cross at the top and add a door.
Give each child about 4 craft sticks. You could give them enough for all of their family members, but I stuck to 4 so that no one would be upset that someone else had more. Have children draw faces with thin tipped markers on the craft sticks. Tuck the stick people into the envelope “church”. Add the verse: “Let us go to the house of the Lord!” (Psalm 122:1)