Christmas Tree Play Dough Math Mats

I’m using these play dough mats along with my Christmas Theme this month. These will help children with fine motor skills as they practice counting and numeral identification. You can find many more Play Dough Math Mats here, as well as a set of Gingerbread House mats.

Christmas Math Play Dough Mats

To prepare the mats, print and either laminate or slip them into clear page protectors. I usually put them in page protectors and hook them together with metal binder rings. The top of each mat says, “Put [#] ornaments on the tree.” Children will identify the numeral on each page, and count out the correct number of ornaments to place on the tree.

There’s also a toddler mat for children who are not ready for counting yet, but need the fine motor practice. This mat simply says, “Put some ornaments on the tree.”

Christmas Math Play Dough Mats

Children can use play dough to make the ornaments by rolling it into little balls. If you prefer not to use play dough, you can use buttons, craft pom-pom balls, flat floral marbles, or bingo chips.

Download the Christmas Play Dough Mats

Note: This printable is FREE. Just click to download.

Download the Christmas Counting Mats:


Download the Christmas Toddler Mats:


The elfkins graphics used to make these mats came from Scrappin Doodles and the tree graphic came from

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