This Car Counting Game will make learning math fun for your Preschool and Pre-K children!
This counting activity will work well during a Transportation Theme, and will be great for Small Group time.

You will also find a Spider Ring Counting Game exactly like this one.
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I don’t consider this activity a worksheet, because it’s a hands-on, active learning game that uses a recording sheet. Hands-on lessons are much more effective than worksheets for Preschool and Pre-K.
Prepare the Car Counting Game
Choose two different colored small toy cars to place in an empty tissue box for each child in your group. You only need two cars per box, one of each color.
You will need bingo dot markers in the same colors match your cars.

How to Play the Car Counting Game
To play, children reach in the box without looking and pull out one of the cars. They mark a car on their recording sheet with the same color dot marker. Then, they drop the car back in, maybe shake the box a little, and reach back in to pull out a car again. They continue pulling cars out and marking them until every car on the page is marked.

Once all of the cars are marked, have the children count how many they have of each color.
Depending on your students’ level, they may or may not be able to write the numerals yet. At this age, sometimes children can count and tell you how many, but they aren’t yet writing the numerals. If that’s the case, you can have the children tell you how many of each color and you write the numerals in the boxes.
If children are able to write the numbers, let them. You can also use number stamps and have the children stamp the number of cars.

Download the Car Counting Game
Note: This printable is free, just click to download.
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