Art Books

These are our favorite books about Art and Famous Artists for Pre-K kids. This list contains Amazon affiliate links.

Art Books for Kids

You can use this to make a list of books to search for at the library or you can purchase them from through these links.

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Vincent’s Colors, by The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Can You Find It?, by Judith Cressy

Can You Find It, Too?, by Judith Cressy

Sunday with Seurat, by Julie Merberg

Sharing with Renoir, by Julie Merberg

Painting with Picasso, by Julie Merberg

Quiet Time with Cassatt, by Julie Merberg

On an Island with Gauguin, by Julie Merberg

Dreaming with Rousseau, by Julie Merberg

A Picnic with Monet, by Julie Merberg

In the Garden with Van Gogh, by Julie Merberg

Dancing with Degas, by Julie Merberg

A Magical Day with Matisse, by Julie Merberg

Museum ABC, by The Metropolitan Museum of Art

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